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Animated Gifs Dither

Dithering: Simulating Colors for Enhanced Visuals

What is Dithering?

Dithering is a technique used to simulate colors that are not available in a display system's color palette. It involves dispersing a limited number of colors in a way that creates the illusion of intermediate shades.

Advantages of Dithering

Dithering enhances the perceived color depth of an image, making it appear smoother and more visually appealing. This technique is widely used in digital art, animation, and video encoding.

How Dithering Works

Dithering algorithms distribute pixels of different colors in close proximity, creating the effect of a continuous color gradient. This technique allows a limited color palette to simulate a wider range of shades and hues.

Applications of Dithering

  • Digital art: Dithering adds depth and detail to pixel-based images.
  • Animation: Dithering creates smooth transitions and minimizes color banding in animated GIFs.
  • Video encoding: Dithering reduces file size while maintaining visual quality by simulating a wider color gamut.
