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We Still


Still: Meaning, Pronunciation, Usage, and Examples


Still functions as an adverb and can carry several meanings: *


Still is used to emphasize that something continues or exists despite the passage of time. For example, "They had been together for 40 years and still loved each other dearly."


Current Existence:

When a situation or state that existed in the past still persists, we use still to indicate its ongoing presence. For example, "Brian's toe is still badly swollen and he can't wear his shoe."


Despite Opposition:

Still can convey a sense of persistence or opposition. It suggests that despite challenges or difficulties, something remains unchanged. For example, "Even after the breakup, they still remained friends."


The pronunciation of still varies slightly depending on the context. Generally, it is pronounced as "stil" with a short "i" sound.


Still is commonly used in both spoken and written English. Here are some examples of how it can be employed:

  • "The child sat still, engrossed in her drawing."
  • "The old house still stood proudly on the hill."
  • "Despite the setbacks, she still pursued her dream."


Some common synonyms for still include:
  • Yet
  • Continuously
  • Even now
  • As before
  • Hitherto
By understanding the different meanings and usages of still, you can effectively convey various ideas in your writing and speech. ```
