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Barcamp Themen

Barcamp: A Method for Hosting Engaging and Productive Events

What is a Barcamp?

A Barcamp is a facilitation method for large groups, typically ranging from 30 to 300 participants. It is an open and interactive format where attendees collectively shape the agenda and facilitate discussions.

Key Features of a Barcamp

Participants Drive the Agenda:

Unlike traditional conferences, Barcamps empower attendees to propose and vote on session topics. This ensures that the event is tailored to the interests and expertise of the attendees.

Informal and Unstructured:

Barcamps prioritize collaboration and open dialogue. They typically take place in informal settings, fostering a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere that encourages active participation.

Participatory Workshops:

The core of a Barcamp is its participatory workshops. Attendees self-organize into groups to discuss and explore topics of their choice, sharing knowledge, experiences, and ideas.

Benefits of Hosting a Barcamp

Hosting a Barcamp offers numerous advantages:

  • Creates a highly engaging and interactive event
  • Provides a platform for participants to share knowledge and expertise
  • Fosters collaboration and networking opportunities
  • Allows for flexibility and customization to meet specific needs
  • Encourages innovation and creative problem-solving


The Barcamp method offers a unique and effective way to host events that are collaborative, engaging, and productive. By empowering participants to drive the agenda and facilitate discussions, Barcamps create an environment where attendees can share knowledge, innovate, and connect with like-minded individuals.
